Enjoy current in-season programming on Citytv.com or the Citytv app for up to 7 days without logging in. In order to enjoy past episodes and previous seasons of your favourite Citytv programs, you’ll need to use your TV Service Provider login information on either Citytv.com or the Citytv App.
The Citytv app is available for download on iOS and Android devices.
Once you find your TV Service Provider, simply enter your username and password and you’ll have access to watch all current and past seasons of your favourite Citytv shows on Citytv.com and the Citytv app. We’re always working to add new TV service providers to the Citytv experience. If your provider is not currently listed as a Citytv on-demand distributor, we encourage you to call them directly and let them know your interest in accessing Citytv on-demand viewing!
When you contact your provider, simply ask if you have access to TVE (online viewing) on Citytv.com and to the Citytv on-demand experience.
Alternatively, you can access Citytv and other premium content on Citytv+ on Prime Video Channels, with an add-on subscription. Visit CitytvPlus.ca for more information.
Contact your local TV Service Providers:
1-877-493-3322 | www.rogers.com
1-877-493-3322 | www.rogers.com
1-866-261-4447 | www.cogeco.ca
1-888-472-2222 | www.shaw.ca
1-866-785-7851 | www.sourcecable.ca
1-866-301-1942 | www.bell.ca/Fibe-TV
1-888-668-0001 | www.start.ca/tv
1-866-706-1994 | www.execulink.ca
1-888-811-2323 | www.telus.com
1-604-642-6688 | www.novusnow.ca
1-888-472-2222 | www.shaw.ca
1-888-472-2222 | www.shaw.ca
1-888-811-2323 | www.telus.com
1-866-363-2225 | www.myaccess.ca
1-800-727-5835 | www.sasktel.com
1-888-472-2222 | www.shaw.ca
1-888-472-2222 | www.shaw.ca
204-225-5687 | www.bellmts.ca
1-800-665-3337 | www.westmancom.com
1-866-301-1942 | www.bell.ca/Fibe-TV
1-866-301-1942 | www.bell.ca/
1-888-472-2222 | www.shawdirect.ca
1-888-472-2222 | www.shawdirect.ca
1-877-493-3322 | www.rogers.com
1-888-345-1111 | www.eastlink.ca
1-866-301-1942 | www.aliant.bell.ca
1-877-493-3322 | www.rogers.com
1-888-345-1111 | www.eastlink.ca
1-866-301-1942 | www.aliant.bell.ca
1-866-301-1942 | www.aliant.bell.ca
1-888-345-1111 | www.eastlink.ca
1-866-301-1942 | www.aliant.bell.ca
1-888-345-1111 | www.eastlink.ca
(867) 979-6707
1-888-423-2333 | www.nwtel.ca
1-888-423-2333 | www.nwtel.ca