

I have been around the sun more than anyone else. It’s because I am closet too her. I am fast… very fast, and bright too. I have two seasons, hot and very hot.

>>>The role of Mercury is voiced by actor Ed Mendez.


I am the second planet from the sun. Her light sculpts me so. I am her beacon of light on a sea of stars. I appear brighter than any star when you look at me from Earth.

>>>The role of Venus is voiced by actor / musician Farideh Olsen.


I am Mars, the red planet. Everyone thinks I am mad with an attitude. It’s because my surface is covered with iron oxide also known as rust.

>>>The role of Mars is voiced by actor Neil Nemeth.



My name is Jupiter. I am the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth planet from the sun.
My spot is a storm that has been blowin’ for as long as I can remember.

>>>The role of Jupiter is voiced by Blaine Hart.


Hello I’m Saturn and I am the sixth planet from the sun. I wear my rings with a look for every season. When I rain diamonds fall from my skies…

>>>The role of Saturn is performed by actor / musician Carrie Catherine.


Halley’s Comet
I am a comet on a long journey around the sun. My tail always points towards her. My journey around the sun takes 76 years. You can see me in the sky when I get close to her.

>>>The role of Halley’s Comet is voiced by Danielle Spilchen.


I’m Pluto. I was a planet, a “Scientist” decided I’m too small. I maybe small but I have 5 moons…
Earth has only 1 moon. ONE!

>>>The role of Pluto is voiced by actor Neil Nemeth


I’m Jeremy Star.
Some days my gravity is sooo strong it really gets me down.
>>>The role of Jeremy is voiced by actor Randal Creyenne.